Come...relax...drift away...and come again.
Dinner at Yiffany's

From an author
Calima's sultry narration is perfect for this tale of courtship and hungry longing in a gritty city. And Ta'kom's dialogue is amazing, capturing both Beaumont's delicate cultured tone and Woolvie's awkward tough-guy anxiety. This is the adaptation every author dreams of. Give it a listen!

From an author on Sofurry
Hey there! Sorry I'm just getting back to you now, but it's been a busy week! I just had the absolute pleasure of listening to the story! I don't even really know where to begin because everything to me was absolutely perfect. I guess I really just want to give you a huge thank you. Having been on a writing slump for a while, listening to one of my stories in this different format was just refreshing and reinvigorating and just plain incredible. You have incredible production quality and I couldn't be happier with the result. Thank you again for this opportunity! I honestly still can't believe you enjoyed my story enough to want to do a reading on it, but I'm forever thankful! I think that what you are doing for the furry writing community is incredible and I hope that your podcast, along with any and all endeavors you undertake in the future, will continue to bloom and grow. I'm glad to hear that your family member is back home and getting settled. I wish you and yours all the best, and once again thank you for this incredible opportunity.

Please do more vore episodes